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嗯,这样好多了. 更好的. 从热身开始,我们看起来更快了. 更多的运动. 准备好了吗. 传球很利落, 手很稳,伤口很锋利, 你能听到运动鞋在地板上吱吱作响的那种. All of which carried over to the first quarter, 和 honestly, to the whole game. 上周四, 我们看起来就像在流沙中行进, but this past Tuesday vs Le Salesien we were purposeful for the full 32 minutes.

我们在实践中对健康的强调有责任吗? 部分. It’s easier to play smart 和 focused when you’re not exhausted, that’s for sure.
I also think we like playing in our own gym, in front of the home crowd. 在我们自己的更衣室里准备, 进入麦凯, 用Partybox来热身——这一切都创造了一个良好的氛围.
就游戏本身而言,我们做了很多正确的事情. 首先, 我们轻松地处理了他们的半场陷阱, which is a HUGE upgrade from the last time we played them when their trap killed us. We were spaced better (we had prepared in practice the day before), 和 梅尔 made the right decision with the ball every time, creating layups for us 和 drawing fouls. 事实上, we broke it so easily that they took the trap off in the second quarter 和 we never saw it again. 新闻发布会的目的到底是什么!
Defensively, we weren’t perfect in terms of rotations, but we were ACTIVE. 瓦尔 又一场颠覆性的比赛, 玛迪海莉 很好地跳过了过路,然后 梅尔 是想把球从你手中夺走吗. Best of all, we did not give up many easy looks against our half court defence. Our opponents had to take chances 和 be creative 和 twisty to get shots up, 这意味着他们的很多尝试都是高难度的, while other times we simply stole the ball when they tried to force it inside.
在进攻端,我们更冷静,更有组织. 而赛利森是一个敏捷的运动员, 我们大, 我们利用这一点,打了很多稳固的内线. 警卫们找得很好 玛迪海莉 down low (19 points combined), 和 we got up a lot of nice, soft, short shots. 他们都进去了吗? Of course not, but that is because we’re only one week back from vacation. 相信我,一个月后,会有更多的人下降.
最终, 尽管最后比分是31比33, 我得说我们输掉这场比赛有点不走运, 因为我觉得那天我们是更好的球队. 我们不要忘记, the last time we played them they smoked us 38-23 in a game we were never really in. 但这一次? 2点燃烧器? Where bad bounces 和 bad calls 和 missed free throws cost us at least 10 pts? 好吧,我接受你的改进.
这周末有什么好兆头吗, when we head to the big city for the Friday-Saturday overnight Montreal Independent Schools Tournament, 哪个总是赛季的亮点.
让我们以此为基础,女士们. 越来越好. 这就是我们的目标. 每一次.
教练VD & W
总记录6 赢了 7 损失      
RSEQ联赛:  2 赢了  3 损失
每场比赛得分30.2     每场得分29.1